
let's blog about blogging

when i first started blogging, i was pretty hesitant about using "blog" as a verb but pretty gung-ho about blogging about everything i thought up or found on the internet. now it's the other way around. maybe i've run out of ideas, maybe i've run out of things to find on the internet, i don't know. i do know that the report on tesla promises to be about ten segments long and the more i get into it the more daunting it is. but i will finish it, because 2006 is the year of nikola tesla and he deserves my admiration. so far, i have checked out wikipedia, which turned out to be ohhhkay, and a pbs website about the life of nikola tesla that i think they used as background for some sort of special they did on him. that one is extremely informative, although i feel that they don't have enough sympathy for tesla and don't blame the world enough for the trials and tribulations he experienced. that is why i am writing my report.

enough about blogging. let's blog about some things i'm thinking.

i have this weird thing. it started as a scrape on my chin that i got at the pool, and now it is some sort of blister that's up on my cheek. it seems to be accompanied by some slightly painful swelling of the lymph nodes somewhere close to the blister. it is gross and i'm not going outside, not even to do errands or grocery shopping (both of which i love for their own sakes but also because no matter how terrible you look someone not far away looks worse, like a lady with curlers and slippers at trader joe's. actually, most people look ok at trader joe's, probably because they have pretty attractive cashiers and no one wants to look insane when they're interacting with someone pretty attractive. safeway is another story. there is one near my house that's like another dimension. well, either way, i'm not going). i don't know what it is and that's really bothering me. everyone has different suggestions - dry it out, keep it moist, disenfect it. they all sound good at the time but i don't know how it happened so i don't know if any of them will make it worse. so now i'm cranky and i think swimming will make me feel better but i don't want to go because what if that's how this happened in the first place? dangit! gross.

money is a terrible system. for me, right now. when jake's friend bob was here for thanksgiving, he started talking some crazy talk. he said things like when you're given a social security number, they create this persona that has your name but isn't you and that is the persona that makes a contract with society and interacts financially and gets in trouble when you do something illegal, but you can divorce yourself from this persona somehow and figure out a new way to deal with things, like a way where it's ok to yell at cops even if you are the one in trouble, depending on what you say. i guess there are some key words or something. he said he just had to learn a little bit more about it and then he could yell at cops and never be in trouble. well, bob also believes that the administration is rounding up all the armed liberals and sending them to a concentration camp in alaska, but i can see the appeal of wanting out of the whole monetary system. bob believes that it was created to keep you and me down, and i can see how frustration could really make that feel true. i'm not really sure if it's true or not, and i'm sure i never will, but things like car payments (which i have) and credit card debt (which i do not have) are the reasons that people like me dream about the zombie apocalypse. i may never truly get my checkbook balanced, but i sure know how to club a zombie with a baseball bat.

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