
down in the valley

i just got halfway through it, and unless life while not watching this movie gets incredibly more painful i will not be watching any more of it. i am the kind of movie watcher who can sit through guts being ripped out and eye stabbings and continue to put popcorn in my mouth, but i could never make it through an entire episode of the wonder years because there was always a point where something so embarassing was going to happen to kevin that i had to change the channel. i watched most of the squid and the whale through my fingers with my hood pulled halfway over my eyes; i just plain walked out of meet the parents. at the moment i checked out of this movie, ed norton had taken the little brother of the main character (who he is dating, which is forbidden by her father, who is a police officer and owns a ton of guns) on a trail ride on a horse he does not own (which you can legally be shot for and which he has already gotten in trouble with the law for once in this movie, to the knowledge, chagrin and fury of the main character's father) to shoot guns in some kind of aqueduct because he thinks the kid needs some "fresh air." this is going to end terribly and i am not going to be there to see it. this has been pretty much the worst procrastination ever.

my question for ed norton: why did you make a movie where you kiss a sixteen-year-old constantly? we all love you, but no one is behind you on this one.

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