

news on the mouse in the house problem: there is a dead mouse under an overturned trap under the sink. i know someone saw it, because i had closed the under-the-sink doors with a big spoon (you know, through the handles, which would never fool a three-year-old but which would definitely fool my cat, preventing a different sort of problem altogether). this person opened the doors, saw the mouse, and just left it. god, i hate them so much. i have never felt such pure hatred for another person, except for other people i have lived with. just some of them, maybe one in particular. i left it because i don't want to deal with it by myself because i'll cry and be overcome by the urge to light a candle and have a small procession for this tiny animal whose back i broke because of my desire to not die of the huntavirus. i mean, sometimes you have to be practical. you can't live your life like every day is an episode of pete & pete. also, this person, either before or after the mouse's tragic death, i'm not sure, took the rest of the traps that jake and i had 1. bought 2. baited 3. set up strategically and scattered them around the house. what a retarded thing to do. someone is going to step on them. god, i hate them so much.

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